Possibly you are not wondering what have I been doing in the last 2 months, but I am going to tell you anyway: I was knitting! But a different kind of knitting, I spent 6 weeks in Brighton learning to knit on domestic knitting machines at the amazing design studio of
Knit-1. At first I was a little overwhelmed, the classemates (they are from around the world)were designers or design students, and they took everything pretty seriously, the first day I was a little scared, but the teacher is great, she explains everything very well, and the course is very intensive (7 hours a day) so you learn very fast, you can see your improvement from one day to the next, so after a couple of days I felt really comfortable. I got to learn and develope several useful techniques, I met great people and had more fun than I have had in a long time. Wanna see some of the samples I managed to produce?
Examples of the different thechniques

Some full garments too

I have to weave in the ends of this one, plus it's too small form me, as you can see, but my mom has already called it for herself.

I love the last one.
Aha, ara entenc la teva pregunta, li vaig comprar a un particular, peró et puc passar el telefon d'un senyor que de tant en tant li'n cau alguna a les mans. envia'm un mail a: nurirovira arroba gmail.com